Friday, October 15, 2010

Nature field trips.

I had heard of the Kalamazoo Nature Center, but I had never been there before.  I was picturing in my head the small nature centers in my hometown, and was blown away by the vastness.  Although we only had a short time to walk around, it was a wonderful experience.  At first when we got there I found myself in field trip mode.  Follow the path, listen to the tour guide, and try not to fall over anything.  I almost forgot to look around.  I can't say I'm really attracted to the the tall grasses,  I am definitely more of a woods kind of a girl.  The intense mass of a tree has always awed me, and especially during this time of year, the leaves are truly breathtaking.  All the colors in nature are more amazing than any artist could paint, and any picture could capture.  A tree makes me think of life, oxygen, protection.  I wish I could articulate what seeing masses of trees or even a single tree is like for me.  Everyone sees things differently and defines beauty in their own way.
I would definitely like to go back there and see more of it.  I really liked the idea of going there to journal.  I don't necessarily think I would want to write about nature while I was there, but being in nature makes you feel grounded.  I find that I can only really write about my thoughts or feelings when I'm in a safe place.  Also, I have a hard time writing my ideas on the computer.  For these assignments, I normally have to write them down on paper and then type them into the blog system.  Writing is a personal experience for me, and I don't do it as often as I probably should.  I guess I feel like I need to be in a certain mood to write, or in a certain place.  One place I really like to write is on a little stone bench in my backyard, and I'd really like to find a place here where I feel that way too.

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