Friday, November 19, 2010

"Mother" Nature

Unfortunately, nature isn’t always nice.  She doesn’t care if you wanted to go for a run today, or it you really don’t feel like wearing your rain boots, hat, scarf, gloves, sweater, and windbreaker while carrying flip flops, a t-shirt, shorts and bathing suit because you never know what she’s going to do.  I realize I said she when I referred to nature, and here’s my rationale.  Nature can be nurturing.  Nature provides beauty, peace, a home, and nutrition to keep you strong.  Nature created the wonders of the world and her changes are incessant.  Nature gives life, and of course all of these marvelous contributions to humanity can only be reflected in a woman, but so can her wrath.  Nature is self-destructive, and when she wants to, she will take out anything in her path.  In some ways she’s even passive aggressive,  “Oh you think you can just do whatever you want to me and get away with it?” Whamo. Hurricane, tornado, volcano eruption, avalanche, flood, mudslide, you name it.  But she isn’t just nature, she’s Mother Nature, and a mother should be respected.  If Mother Nature is to go on creating life and these wonders, we must take care of her, nurture her, and preserve her if we want to continue living in her beauty.
We take Mother Nature for granted too often, and many of our speakers, literature, and class sessions focus on that very fact.  Simple things like turning off the water while you're brushing your teeth, flipping the light switch when you leave the room, planting flowers or trees, or growing your own garden to add flavor to your cooking are all manageable activities for the common person.  There are so many beautiful places in nature, and we need to find ways to use what she provides for us without damaging her.  It's time for people to take an individual responsibility in caring for our earth.

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